Winner, Status Quo!

Today the status quo won. Today the entitled celebrate an outcome and proclaim justice has been served. Today 17 year olds who wear their Second Amendment rights as a badge of courage are validated. Today vigilantes are proud.

There’s no coincidence that those who wanted to “make America great again” feel vindicated while those “building back better” feel defeated. What’s next will either be called a rally or a riot (depending on who is calling the plays). Others are warning that this is not political!

But today is a day that hypocrisy and irony clash! It is political. Everything that has to change (and everything that will stay the same) hinges on the laws that must be analyzed.

Those who think justice has been served don’t really want 17 year olds arming themselves in any season—not when school is in session nor when shoppers are dodging bullets in Walmarts and suburban malls. They don’t really want vigilante justice as long as the laws on the books protect their lifestyles.

It is only “justice” when the outcome is what we want—not what is right or just. The real miscarriage is the philosophy that has been perverted. Words have new meaning and sentiment changes with the wind.

Whomever feels that this land is their land will proclaim that this land is made for you and me (but mostly ME). Bias and entitlement are sewn into every transgression. Therefore the “broken” systems that we rally against are working precisely how they were designed. And since the outcome was favorable for conservative folks, they are likely to miss how damaging the Rittenhouse Verdict will be for them and their families.

How so? A 17 year old armed with automatic weapons in their neighborhood is gearing up for the next protest. A parent who wants their boy to grow up and force change on their world is online RIGHT NOW looking for that assault rifle that will make the perfect holiday gift. And any January 6th Insurgence “empathizer” is pounding their chest as they apply another American flag with a thin blue line decal on their window.

These are the tell-tale signs that the system is working the way it was designed. This is proof that patriots will pledge allegiance to their flag and insist that you do it too.

Today, the courts composed of a old-fashioned judge, a skilled prosecutor, and a clever defense attorney worked in concert to defend an American son who was doing his duty to defend retailers and neighborhoods in a town that is not his own. The jury composed of his peers (and diluted of victims) set him free because they too would have done the same as he did.

Today, the status quo won. Some are sad to see it, but they are not surprised.

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